In order for me to enable my vision to become a reality – I had to take a step back and reflect on my own current practice which brought...
In order for me to enable my vision to become a reality – I had to take a step back and reflect on my own current practice which brought...
While listening to a recent podcast by Sinead Hegarty on the Sinead Says Podcast – Episode 67: Dealing with a Narcissist (see below), it...
New Year, New Me… if this is something you are trying to embody perhaps manifestation might be something that interests you because...
If like me, you have never come across this ancient Japanese philosophy, until now, then sit back, continue reading and let me teach you...
Have you ever heard the story of the Bamboo Tree? It is one of the most remarkable stories that we can learn from and here are some...
“Self-control is strength. Calmness is mastery. You have to get to a point where your mood doesn’t shift based on the insignificant...
Recently I have found myself in this all too familiar situation of fearing judgement from others. Initially, I allowed it to consume me...
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a recognized mental health disorder that involves a person experiencing repetitive intrusive...
“Give yourself permission to do less, don’t overlook your own needs, and leave plenty of breathing space so that you can fully enjoy the...
More and more in the media today we hear the term; “Gaslighting” but what exactly is gaslighting? And how do you know if it's happening...
Some of you avid monthly readers will remember my blog last year (I cannot believe it was a whole year ago!!) about IMPOSTER SYNDROME (if...
While studying child and adolescent counselling and psychotherapy I found myself becoming engrossed in all thing’s attachment related and...
Did you know that there are things that you can do that only you can do? One of the most difficult things to overcome when it comes to...
“Fear is the most powerful, natural and primitive human emotion” Fear has a very strong effect on your mind and body, the more you fear...
I heard this term used recently and it really resonated with me because before COVID this was definitely something that I did a lot of...
“There is no rule book. No time frame. No judgement. Grief is as individual as a fingerprint”. Much has been said about grief, thousands...
Following on from last month’s blog – “The Art of Happiness” (available here;
"I believe that the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness” (Dalai Lama) I have been reading the book; “The Art of Happiness” by...
“To let go does not mean to get rid of. To let go means to let be. When we let be with compassion, things come and go on their own.”...
For this month’s blog, I am going to piggyback on the theme of the annual holiday which our neighbors across the pond celebrate -...